

TMS and Dispatch Integration

Our EDI integration and data exchange solutions work hard behind the scenes of the industry’s leading trans­porta­tion management systems and dispatch software and appli­ca­tions. From legacy and mainframe-based software to the latest cloud platforms and SaaS apps, we integrate the systems that power the supply chains of hundreds of carriers, shippers, and logistics providers.

Ultra-reliable end-to-end data exchange and time-sensitive EDI trans­ac­tions are the key to modern global commerce, and it’s why the brightest and best trust our integration expertise to keep freight moving across the globe.

Data Integration

Rapidly advancing technology in the freight trans­porta­tion and logistics industry means more document types, data formats, and standards than ever before. Whether it’s API connections, trans­ac­tional JSON inte­gra­tions or ELD and GPS data, we’ve got you covered. Our any-to-any data translation environment can support it all.

Our cloud archi­tec­ture offloads the mapping and translation from your system, which means you don’t have to worry about software maintenance or dedicated staff. We do the heavy lifting and enable you to focus on what matters most: keeping freight on the move and on time.


Imple­menting a Trans­porta­tion Management System can require a huge upfront investment, and your dispatch system may not be up to the task of sending and receiving the EDI and digital documents that your customers and shippers require. Introducing Freight­launch. Freight­Launch is a digital freight enablement platform that provides carriers and shippers alike with an easy-to-use interface that allows companies large and small to participate in the modern digital freight process.